Entertainment, tech, and sass enthusiast
Resident composites expert
Good at getting likes on Instagram
Food + retail + hospitality, Co-Founder of NOMsense Bakery
Intelligent Systems Enthusiast and Arm-Wrestling Fan
Nature enthisuast and lover of living things
Works (out) and listens to music
Hyped Technologist
Exploring deep dark corners of universal consciousness
Renaissance Woman Technologist
Resident 30-year-old
Sometimes I write JavaScript
Fan of serendipity and design+tech
Evenly distributing the future
Special Forces Sergeant, Value-Seeking Entrepreneur
If you take away the excessive partying, I’m really just a huge nerd
Raving about apples and oranges
Unicorn hunting
Enjoys disco music & mobile tech
Mountain Climbing Entrepreneur
90-decibel social entrepreneur / Desi girl wannabe?
Resident pot-stirrer
Filled with renewable energy
Animated Technologist!
Hacking into your computer right now
Obsessed with all things fashion + retail + tech
To define is to limit
Head in the Cloud