Bell 2017 Members

AJ Nandi

Flying like a peacock, at Insight Venture Partners

Ajay Patel

Always ideating

Alex Sands

Achieving inbox zero

Amelia Goodman

Good at: tech, feminism, brunch, lists

Amy Zhuo

Building change in emerging markets

Anna Yang

Buzzword enthusiast

Ben Hsu

Building the future and a healthier world

Cathy Chen

Somewhere between psychotic and iconic.

Christine Yang

Channeling curiosity everyday

Cody Min

seeking God in the random & mundane

Derek Jobst

Excited about Tech, Politics, and Media

Dhruv Jain


Elizabeth Dresselhaus

Burnin’ down the haus

Ira Ko

Secretly philosophical

Jameel Mohammed

Designer of new possibilities.

Jason Shein

Soylent bottles and business models

Joshua Ryan

Building tech that brings people together @

Kaley Suero

Inquiring mind, asking for forgiveness not permission

Katie Wu

Average design-gineer, expert parallel parker.

Kieraj Mumick

Long hair, don’t care

Luke Carlson

I code things

Naman Mehrotra

I am Batman

Noah Shpak

trying to make society less neurotic

Philip Hu (

I like to make things and exercise

Philip Hu

I like to make things and exercise

Pranav Vishnu Ramabhadran

I do/organize/make stuff sometimes

Reed Rosenbluth

too many tabs

Sacha Best

Not the best. Yet.

Serena Tsay

Tech, retail, and the occasional morning raver

Skyler Wharton

Exploring every avenue

William Fry

Builder & Thinker